Everybody wants their days to pass by achieving something every time and every day. They follow some specific tasks someone may suggest or they themselves decide to go harsh on themselves and regret do doing it at the end of the day.
I have some 8 tips to make your day productive and bring change in your daily routine to get full from the life you always wanted. Let's get started.
If you suffer from depression or anxiety problems read: Top 5 Practices To Increase Mental Strength
1. Exercise, especially in the morning:

- I know this one is harsh because waking up early to do exercise is not fitting in my routine but you have to.
- I myself sometimes skip this step but doing exercise will energize your day and you'll feel happy and full of energy for the day.
- Also exercising increases blood flow, in short, it not only affects your physical strength but mental strength too. Exercising increases your confidence.
2. Drink lemon water

- Lemon water is the most refreshing drink you can have in the morning, it'll clear your head and will help to focus on day to day activity.
- Just cut a fresh lemon and put in a glass water and drink as you get ready.
3. No screentime until breakfast

- Screens will decrease your thinking capability, and will slowly slow you down, so no email checking until breakfast.
4. Clean your workspace

- Cleaning your workspace is a ritual that tells you to respect your place and keeping it tidier will trigger your mind for good working environment.
- So start by making up your bed and then your working desk.
5. Set goals

- Set goals and review them every day, place it somewhere you always able to read it like cupboard, mirror, refrigerator or desk.
- This will make you work hard as you have goals to achieve. Write long-term and short-term goals.
6. Write Todos

- Todos will guide your day and write the things you want to do that day and assign enough time to complete them.
- Don't write something you cannot do it, or just start with that first.
7. Don't multi-task

- Multitasking will only increase pressure and will slow you down. Some might be able to do it but it's not something that's recommended.
8. Analyze those todos

- Before going to bed check your To Do of the day and check those are completed and postpone those which are yet to be completed.
- Doing this will increase your productivity and help you manage your time.
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