Improve yourself with commitments and hard work to achieve what you want. Take efforts to improve yourself by writing goals and setting a time bound. You will be a person who achieve goals by working and getting it in time fixed just by you, so are you interested or are you committed?
Many of us pay attention to how other people around you work and what they achieve, instead of learning from them many will try to make them feel bad, while some learn from them and try to do same as they did, that will not make them feel special, instead they will be called a cheat.
Focus on self, not others, you don't need to look into others for your good, you don't need anything outside of you to be happy, you need to focus on how to use the things you have, instead of focusing on what you don't have.
Others will suggest you, feel happy by getting a good job, a car, a house, a perfect person. Why do you need that car, why the house? The happiness is inside you , it need to come out, find what makes you happy. Do what will make you feel great, everyone's unique. Make it happen, it's all within you, faith. Believe in yourself.........
Master the meaning of the LIFE!
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