Discrimination is the social fact that exists still today,but the intensity have changed. There is gender inequality but quite difference, it has changed to priority, girls get priority over boys in many sectors, why? One thing we Indians are extremely good at is detaching ourselves from misery,injustice and conflict. We go about our lives as if India's big problems don't exists.I am not judging us. It is the only way to cope in a country of so much misery and inequality.
You keep on promoting equality and giving extra privileges to females candidate, is violation of the most basic thing gender equality. Also the situation is that, boys are given less importance compared to girls and the thing has gone to such an extent that it seems pretty weird.
Respect is another topic and priority is something else, it was suppose to promote respect to female, but it promoted in my sense is extra privilege.It's like giving a extra capability.Actually there actually no need to add another privilege instead they should have the same rights as that of others.May be that will bring equality.
Some people takes priority so seriously that boys are not allowed to take charge or they must let their positions to girls, sometimes they are made to backup and let others go.This is fact that they overdo such a small thing.The people have followed a wrong method.
Please understand the thoughts, from the male perspective. If you don't then I am in trouble!
If you find above writing to be false or exaggerated, then post your comment. I am sure that I will clear your doubts.
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